These are most of the pieces I've made over the last 20 or so years. I continue to make them as gifts for family and friends, and friends' kiddos (see below for who each one was given to).
RIT Tiger - graduation gift for Sabrina, my student worker
Eat the Rich, Rochester logo, & Cocktails - for RoCo 6x6 exhibit (different years)
Winnie the Pooh - Erin
Geometric shapes - for myself!
Fox, kingfisher, pig, giraffe, hedgehog, bear, and owl - friends Dorothy, Jonah & son
Roll Tide (Alabama Crimson Tide) - Jason & Erin
Quote and Day of the Dead skulls - friend Josh
Black and white swans - my parents, for their 40th anniversary
Rainbow Rochester skyline - friends Tanya, Scott & son
Beatrix Potter growth chart - friends Alexa, Jon & daughters
World map with animals - friends Sally, David & son
Beatrix Potter washing line - friends Jeff, Michele & daughter
Sun and moon girls - my older niece
Alphabet butterflies - my younger niece
Four environmental awareness squares, small Rochester skyline, & Peter Rabbit - for RoCo 6x6 exhibit (different years)
Scubadiver - friends Sally, David & son
I also found one of the very first cross-stitch pieces I did, some time in elementary school...

If you're looking for photos of my Ukrainian Easter Eggs, go to:
(All images above by Tate DeCaro)